Welcome to A Writer’s POV. If someone had told me that writing a novel would cause me to loose sleep, gain weight, snap at my husband, pull my hair out, (literally and figuratively) and kick the dog, if I had one, I never would have put pen to paper. But as they say, ignorance is bliss, and I plunged in and began writing my book with the naïve expectation that I’d be finished in a year. Needless to say, five years and seven drafts later, I’m still on my quest for the Holy Grail, a published novel. Although frustrating, I spent that time growing as a writer. Every rewrite, revision and critique taught me something. Every book I read or workshop I attended offered new insights and ways to improve my craft. My goal with this blog is to share with you what I've learned so far. To talk about issues that plague all writers, to talk about the nuts and bolts of writing. Despite the fact that it's all been said before, each of us has our own way of telling a story and hopefully you'll visit often for help, support or just for the fun of it to read the posts written from this writer's point of view.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Where Do You Get Your Ideas?

"I could write a book" is a phrase usually uttered after a traumatic or memorable event. "I can't believe this is happening to me," is another cry of disbelief. And although frustration prompts the average person to slap their forehead with their hand, from a writer's point of view they've just discovered an idea for a story.

Where do you get your ideas for your books? That’s the question I’m asked most often and the simple answer is everywhere. Novels, in my opinion, are based on actual events, historical or your own, or just typical human behavior. And as you write you may recognize your own quirks and ticks, a neighbor, a family member, someone from your past. The news is great fodder for new story ideas too.

So pay attention to what goes on around you. Listen to what people say. Observe what they're wearing and how they behave. Even buildings and everyday objects can spark an idea. I guess what I’m trying to say is that writers instinctively know this. We notice the unusual as well as the mundane and where others muddle through, we can’t help but create.