Welcome to A Writer’s POV. If someone had told me that writing a novel would cause me to loose sleep, gain weight, snap at my husband, pull my hair out, (literally and figuratively) and kick the dog, if I had one, I never would have put pen to paper. But as they say, ignorance is bliss, and I plunged in and began writing my book with the naïve expectation that I’d be finished in a year. Needless to say, five years and seven drafts later, I’m still on my quest for the Holy Grail, a published novel. Although frustrating, I spent that time growing as a writer. Every rewrite, revision and critique taught me something. Every book I read or workshop I attended offered new insights and ways to improve my craft. My goal with this blog is to share with you what I've learned so far. To talk about issues that plague all writers, to talk about the nuts and bolts of writing. Despite the fact that it's all been said before, each of us has our own way of telling a story and hopefully you'll visit often for help, support or just for the fun of it to read the posts written from this writer's point of view.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Moonlighting Again

Judging from my own experience and from what I read on social media, most writers are "moonlighters" at the onset of their careers--a rather old-fashioned term for someone who works a day and night job. I'm proud to say I fall into that category. But with three part-time jobs to keep my head above water, or fingers on the keyboard, I'm more of a "24/7er" so to speak.

But even the most determined and dedicated individual can burn the candle at both ends for so long, and the flame must be turned down to a more manageable level. So I gave up one of my jobs in sales.

The opportunity was there as well as the potential earnings. My plan was to build a client list and eventually quit my weekend job. But after several months of calls, emails, and knocking on doors, the return never did match the amount of time I put in. To make matters worse, instead of eliminating a job, I added one more to my work load, which adversely affected the quality of my writing.

I'm a regular moonlighter again. And although the money didn't exactly pour in, I gained valuable experience and confidence that will help me on book tours and signings when my novel is published.

I can dream, can't I?